It is incredibly easy to create a Leaflet map using QGIS

The qgis2leaf plugin for QGIS makes it incredibly easy to create a basic, fully-functional Leaflet.js map using QGIS with no HTML/JavaScript/CSS programming. The plugin even allows you to use a variety of interesting basemaps including Stamen Watercolor (see our post on the watercolor map). To create a Leaflet map using the plugin follow these simple […]

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Simpler than you think: use Python to upload GIS layers to CartoDB

CartoDB has a nice dashboard you can use to upload shapefiles for viewing online. They have even included drag-and-drop functionality to help improve the experience. Nevertheless, uploading geographic files manually can be cumbersome and you can end up forgetting files sources, when you uploaded etc. Fortunately, CartoDB recently posted a Python script that you can […]

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Putting TopoJSON on a Google Map

For a recent project we needed to significantly reduce the file sizes of some of the GeoJSON files were were using so we turned to Mike Bostock’s amazing TopoJSON APIs. As described on the wiki page TopoJSON is an extension of GeoJSON that significantly reduces file sizes by reducing redundancy. For example, the border between […]

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